古フランス語ー英語辞書です。総ページ数640。 以下Cambridge University Pressからの引用です。出版と同時に購入しましたが、ほとんど利用する機会がありませんでした。新品同様です。蔵書整理のため出品します。必要とされる方に購入していただければありがたいです。AUTHORS:Alan Hindley, University of Hull Frederick W. Langley, University of Hull Brian J. Levy, University of Hull DATE PUBLISHED: August 2000FORMAT: HardbackISBN: 9780521345644This is the first Old French-English dictionary of its kind to provide a comprehensive reference tool for a broad range of English-speaking users. In the form of a compendious but manageable single volume, it is designed for both the general and specialist reader of Old French texts including students, scholars, philologists and historians. The dictionary is based on a large and varied number of texts up to c.1350, starting from the classics of medieval French literature and extending through all the genres: epic, romance, religious, moral, didactic and alleg0rical texts, lyric poetry, drama, humour and satire, … 以下詳細は本家のサイトを参照してください。