新品 Rockbox Red Dog Overdrive Distortion 季節の贈り物・年末年始のギフト
Rockbox ElectronicsのRed Dog Overdrive / Distortion エフェクター新品です。2ノブのシンプルな設計で音質を追求したオーバードライブ/ ブースター/ディストーション。以前のマーブルペイントからシンプルなデザインに一新されています。音のチェックはYouTubeに動画が有りますのでご参照下さい。=ロックボックス社サイトより=The Rockbox The Red Dog is a distinctive distortion pedal with volume and gain controls to easily dial in tones from a tweed-like overdrive to aggressive punch. The Red Dog was originally voiced to work best as an “always on” distortion and respond to picking dynamics and the volume knob on a guitar. In recent auditions by our family of artists, however, we are finding that the Red Dog is also a great distintive solo machine with a signature note bloom and immediacy not present in other distortion devices, especially above the 12th fret.